Android Game

I spent months building an Android game for my ex, and she gave this phone, with the game, to another. I was unable to set up Canvas correctly, so this game only works for this specific phone.

After making this, I realize that the most difficult part is to draw the pictures (including houses, picture on the elevator, excluding small character icon), which makes me understand the importance of cooperating as a team.

The two demo videos using computer. They are not the final version, as the final version is no longer available.

The first little game in this RPG. The player has to choose the appropriate response to reply, in order to maximize her mood while keeping positive relationship.

The last little game in this RPG. The player has to control the 3 bottom characters to attack the boss on top.


Mutiplayer PC Game

This Multiplayer PC Game was created by Unity with the help from Photon Engine. It takes a week for me to learn how to incorporate the Photon Unity Networking into Unity. The basic idea is that there is no real synchronicity, but we engineers let players feel they are synchronous and enjoy the game.

The demo uses one computer to run the game. Theoretically it supports players playing on different computers.


Cropping App

Deriving labelled data is usually an energy-consuming task for data scientists. I developed a cropping app helping my friends in Computer Science department to label the images a lot more efficiently especially when there are a lot of images waiting for being labelled.

Cropping the images efficiently.

After cropping, one can furthermore resize the images in a batched way.